Jesus' Love Transforming Community

"Easter" Tagged Sermons

Easter :: The Secret of Growth

Sometimes growth gets stunted. It might be a plant you placed in poor soil, or forgot to water. In the same way, our spirit can be stunted in its growth. Jesus offered a secret to personal growth that really isn’t complicated at all, but makes all the difference in the world. Join us as we discover the secret to growth.

Easter :: Light Bulb

We often find ourselves stumbling in the dark through a problem, a conflict or a question …until we have that “light bulb” moment when what was dark and obscured becomes clear as day. Jesus was called “the light of the world”, described as light that has shined upon darkness. What problem, conflict or question in your life, might the light of Jesus bring clarity upon?

Easter :: Life Upgraded

Many of us upgrade our phones, computers and gadgets every couple years because a newer, better version is available. What we have at some point becomes obsolete in the face of becomes available. What if life is exactly that way as well? Is it possible we could be living an upgraded life from the one we currently have?

Easter :: Confusion isn’t New

As Jesus approached Jerusalem the week he would be murdered, crowds roared approval and welcomed his arrival. But Jesus looked at the city and did something unexpected. He wept. The crowds wanted Jesus to be something he wasn’t. What Jesus offered, they didn’t understand and failed to accept. Perhaps things haven’t changed much in 2000 years and we are still somewhat confused about who Jesus is! If you have questions about Jesus, join us!

Anchored :: Real Sacrifice

What is your life anchored to? There are many things that don’t make good anchors – leaving us to toss in the waves and drift in storms. When we tie our life to the wrong thing, we can end up tied down to the wrong thing, or worse, shipwrecked. This series, focused on the book…