Peter closes his letter with a set of urgent appeals. Join us as we consider how his appeals relate to us today, and how we might respond if this letter was written to you and to me.
Peter closes his letter with a set of urgent appeals. Join us as we consider how his appeals relate to us today, and how we might respond if this letter was written to you and to me.
We are often caught by surprise when we should have seen it coming a mile away. Often this come as a result of unrealistic expectations, or lack of attention. What is it you and I should not be surprised by?
We have all heard the saying, “A Mind is a terrible thing to waste.” What does this actually mean? What way of thinking are followers of Jesus called to, and what is the power behind it?
What are the marks, the evidence of a life founded upon hope in Jesus Christ? How are we to engage the world in such a way that Christ’s love is truly evident within us? Consider the question with us, “Is my life marked by hope?”
Join us as we dive into an oft misunderstood and misapplied text, to consider the way in which freedom in Christ radically transforms the way we relate to one another, beginning in our homes.
How can a person in submission truly be free? And how is suffering transformed into a freedom no chains can bind? Must one be free of submission and suffering in order to truly be free, or can the former lead to a fuller reality of the latter? Join us as we consider the fullness of…
How are we to follow Christ in the midst of a culture that is often hostile to the very values and practices Jesus calls us to? Consider how Peter calls us to respond to the world around us.
The church isn’t a building … or is it afterall? Peter speaks of a certain architecture that defines those whose lives are built together upon Jesus Christ. Who or what is your life built upon, and what is your place in Jesus’ church?
When we are unhealthy, we often need to take a look at our diet. Usually there are things we need to cut out, and others we should add in for better health. The same is true of our spiritual lives – when they aren’t of optimum health spiritually, we feed our souls the right things.…
Sometimes churchgoers get stereotyped as placid, tranquil or dull, whereas people of the world are seen actively enjoying their wild passions and desires. But Peter says our former passions were akin to inactivity, but now holiness requires our whole mind, body and spirit to get into gear. Does our holiness make people want to know…